Normal guide
Full day ( 8 hours )
1 person full day(8hours) 46,000yen/day
2 person full day (8hours) 40.000 yen/each/day
3 person full day (8hours) 32.000yen/each/day
half day ( 3 hours)
1 person half day (3 hours) 24.000yen/day
2 person half day (3hours) 21.000yen/each/day
3 person half day (3hours) 16.500yen/each/day
Premium guide
1 person ¥60.000 yen /day
2 person ¥50.000 yen /each/day
Premium guides are those who go on expedition tours or spend time from early morning until dusk. We will guide you as a premium guide because it is a guide that you can never experience with a normal normal guide. Please contact us if you are interested.
◇ガイドサービスはロッジを出発するところから始まりますので、送迎や移動時間もガイド料金に含まれます。Since guide service starts from departure from the lodge, pickup and travel time are also included in the guide fee.
full day guide include : lunch , insurance,transportation
half day guide not include : lunch .
You can check availability of rooms here.
◇Please be sure the below.
Lodging fee
adult : 1night&2 meals ¥12,000/per
adult : 1night&dinner ¥10.800per
adult : 1night&breakfast ¥9.600/per
adult: 1 night no meal ¥7.200/per
child age7-12:1night&2 meals ¥9.600 /per
child age7-12:1night&breakfast ¥7.800/per
child age4-11:1 night&2 meals ¥6.000/per
child age4-11:1 night&Breakfast ¥4,800 /per
dog and cat : Please prepare the gauge.
Transportation to Obihiro Airport and JR Obihiro Station is possible only when using guide.
All rooms are non-smoking, smoking on outdoor deck is recommended.
You can check availability of rooms here.
◇Please be sure the below.
Payment by credit card will be available from June 1, 2018.
As for the cancellation fee of the guide and accommodation, in case of cancellation after entering within one month of the guidance day, please pay the cancellation fee of 50% of the estimated fee amount as a cancellation fee. In addition, in the case of reservation after one month has passed, please pay 50% of the estimated amount of cancellation after it has been within one week of guide day. * Cancellation fee will not be raised in case of change instead of cancellation.
◇Please be sure the below.
Please be gentle !
「紳士で !」
Top Secret !
「極秘 !」
We influence wild animals and fields by guiding our customers carefully, on a daily basis, work patterns. The development of SNS in the last few years is a threaty amount, and in Tokachi's field there are many places where there are no regulations and rules, so when a person is flooded, not only influences on wild animals and fields, but parking spots and garbage problem , Troubles with neighboring farmers and residents, such as invading the fields and forests, private property, it becomes troublesome to the local people who valued the field from long ago. It is where I can worry about what I can do to improve the current state of the current field as much as possible and to make it better. Before booking the guide please make the following promise.
It is a field that goes like everyday, but outdoor activities always think danger is next to it. Falls and submergence. Brown bear, tick and hornets in the summer. Hypothermia and frostbite in winter. Responding to possible dangers, coping. In the unlikely event, we will always consider and respond to countermeasures in the event of an accident and simulation. Please make your first aid easy for yourself. We always carry satellite mobile phone and GPS during the guide. Regarding insurance, we enroll in Hokkaido outdoor guide liability insurance, but we recommend you to join domestic travel insurance on your own. If there are heart disease, severe chronic illness, symptoms of anakirafici, please tell the guide in advance.
You can check availability of rooms and availability of guides in the Google Calendar here. Please refer.
不明な点、わからない事がありましたら、お気軽にメールもしくはお電話でお問い合わせ下さい。メールでのご予約、ご相談は、info@lodgeluckyfield.com 。お電話の方は、0155-43-2778。お急ぎの場合は090−2059−1715(吉原)までお願いいたします。
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, please feel free to email or call us.Reservation by e-mail,consultation, info @ lodgeluckyfield.com. If you are calling, please call 0155-43-2778. In case of hurry, please 090-2059-1715 (Yoshihara).