The seasons are moving quickly, and it's a sign of spring. This year, since the winter has been mild, sap has been coming out from the maple trees since around January 20th. Even in December, I saw a maple tree along the road producing sap and forming icicles, so when the daytime temperature rises, branches break or the trunk gets damaged. It looks like sap is coming out of it. It seems that the sap starts to come out in earnest in February, and you can start to see Ezo squirrels, crows, and bulbuls gathering in the sap here and there.
The ability of trees to produce sap from early spring seems to have been cultivated since ancient times, and during the still cold freezing season, ``freezing'' has the disadvantage of causing the tree to swell, causing the trunk to crack and branches to break. However, by transporting moisture to the tips of the branches as early as possible, it may be advantageous for new buds to sprout and for tree growth. To do this, they must have learned how to protect the water from freezing by adding as much sugar as possible to the water to make it sweeter.
The representative tree is the maple tree, and Canada's famous maple syrup is made by boiling down the sap. There are many types of maples in Hokkaido, and the Itaya maple and Hauchiwa maple can often be seen in forests, parks, and roadside trees. In addition to maple trees, there are also trees that produce sweet sap, such as Japanese gurumi, Japanese kokuwa, and wild grapes, which I have seen attracting animals to these trees.
昔、もう20年以上前ですが、メープルシロップを作ってみようと、イタヤカエデだと思って採取した木がミズキで、4リットルほどの樹液を煮詰めて、ようやく100cc まで煮詰めて、楽しみに、味わったら、苦くて、苦くて、、、。そんな頃に、いろんな樹木を覚えた(体感)したものです。
A long time ago, more than 20 years ago, when I wanted to make maple syrup, I collected a dogwood tree that I thought was a Japanese maple tree. I boiled down about 4 liters of sap, and finally boiled it down to 100 cc. I was looking forward to it and tried it. , bitter, bitter... Around that time, I learned about (experienced) all kinds of trees.
This maple sap produces positive temperatures during the day and negative temperatures at night. And miraculously, depending on where the maple sap comes out, icicles can form. I have heard that this icicle is mentioned in Ainu stories, and that children in the past enjoyed it as popsicles in the days when sweets were not available. Indeed, the tip of this icicle is the sweetest, and when you break it off and put it in your mouth, it's even sweeter than you imagined, and the natural sweetness of spring spreads throughout your body. It has a sweetness that awakens both the season and your body.
Yesterday, January 31st. I encountered my first icicle of the season. It was a Japanese maple tree next to the road, but there were three beautiful icicles. I sampled the first one and grinned. I was watching from the car to see if a Long-tailed Tit would come, and a Long-billed Tit flew by, and within 10 minutes it was a Long-tailed Tit. This year's first icicle and, of course, the appearance of the striped long-tailed moth. They were probably looking forward to the sweet sap.
After that, it was a festival of Shimaenaga. I was lucky enough to be there at the right time and was absorbed in taking pictures. A scene that makes you stop breathing. Even though it's January, I'm already taking pictures of icicles and long-tailed tits. I felt how quickly the seasons were progressing.

I was engrossed in taking photos of the striped long-tailed moths gathering in the icicles of the maple sap. There were maple trees along the road, but in the quiet coniferous forest, in addition to the cries of the long-tailed moth, there were also the cries of the sage-grouse. I was also concerned about the sage-grouse, but I concentrated on the striped long-tailed moth in front of me. A group of striped long-tailed moths left the maple tree, and then the forest lady appeared. It was a sage-grouse. Are grouse really not interested in tree sap? Probably. It was looking at me as if hiding in the pine bushes.

After enjoying the time spent gazing at the grouse and getting cold, I decided to walk up the mountain. I was also curious about the deer scene, so I walked through the mountains for about three hours to see if I could meet new deer. Until about a week ago, there was a lot of sap from the Japanese maple tree in a sunny spot on the mountain slope, and I saw bulbuls coming every day, but the long-tailed tit is not attached to the sap yet. However, as I walked the same route I had walked the day before, I saw a flock of long-tailed tits. When I looked at the situation for a while, I noticed that icicles of sap were forming here as well.
For a while here, it was like a festival of Shimaenaga. Although it was a short time of about 10 minutes, I was fascinated by the long-tailed tits gathering in the icicles.

The end of winter, the beginning of spring. Winter will still be hard, but spring will be bright. It's getting more and more spring. What kind of nature can you encounter during the sap season? It seems that the life of flying squirrels is slowly changing to the spring behavior pattern.The sight of a flying squirrel freezing its beard is also a refreshing sight.