I've always liked to look at nature with my naked eyes, or with binoculars, or with a field scope when it's a little far away. That's the way I interact with nature, and it's been natural, nature has been right next to me since I was a child. A few years ago, I received more and more requests from guides who wanted to take photos, and in emails and on-site conversations, I got more questions from customers about camera settings and equipment, not just about wild animals, like "What millimeter lens should I bring?" or "What shutter speed should I use?" I knew nothing about cameras, so I thought to myself, "I should at least touch a camera and learn the basics..." and that's how my adventures with the swamp began.
Until now, I had thought, "I wish I could capture that beautiful, lovely, fleeting world in a photograph," when I saw it with my naked eyes or binoculars, but now I realize that a camera can capture much more detail than the world we see in reality, such as beauty, softness, light, and texture, than what we actually see with our own eyes. When I enlarge a photograph I took by chance or on purpose, I am often surprised by the shapes and forms of nature that I had previously seen but had not noticed.
That must be the entrance to the "swamp."
What kind of camera and lens you use will make a huge difference in the photos you can take and the world you create. Cameras with amazing burst speeds, cameras that can capture a dark world, pre-capture and high-resolution shots are all things that humans have created with the capabilities of cameras. Lenses that are strong in the dark and super telephoto lenses are also used to match these. By combining these, you can take photos that you never imagined, so I think cameras are a world that humans can enjoy in a world that they have created. The technology is evolving every day, and bringing that technology into nature and the wild might be a "game for adults." And the deeper you go into the world, the more likely it is that you will end up crushing the flowers under your feet or getting into trouble with other photographers just for the sake of taking photos, and this could happen anywhere in the world.
It's interesting because it fascinates adults.

庭の鹿肉の脂身を食べに来る小鳥を撮ってみました。毎日見ている鳥ですが、カメラを触ると、いろいろ試すことができました。普段使ってない機能を試してみました。OMSYSTEMのOM-1 mark 2 を使っているのですが、プレキャプチャー機能を使って、連写速度をSH1 の120コマ/秒、もしくはSH2の50コマ/秒を使って撮ると、いままで撮れたことがなかった飛び立ちの瞬間が撮れてまたカメラが面白くなりました。カメラの知識のない私にとっては、まさに「宝の持ち腐れ」。カメラもレンズも知識と使い方、詳しい人はすごいと思います。
I took a picture of a small bird that came to eat the fat of venison in my garden. I see birds every day, but when I got around to using the camera, I was able to try out various things. I tried out a function that I don't usually use. I'm using an OMSYSTEM OM-1 mark 2, and if I use the pre-capture function and shoot at a continuous shooting speed of 120 frames per second for the SH1 or 50 frames per second for the SH2, I can capture the moment of flight that I've never been able to capture before! For someone like me who has no knowledge of cameras, this is a real "waste of a treasure," and I'm sure the developer will be angry with me.
The crows and woodpeckers that come to the lodge garden every day are amazing. I see them every day, but when I take pictures of them, I see their beauty and the world in a completely different light. I also enjoy spending time relaxing at the lodge and playing with the little birds.
But once you get into photography, there are so many things to do and so many expenses...
The days of deletion continue.